
import Redis from 'ioredis';
import timestring from 'timestring';
import {Observer} from 'micro-observer';
import _ from 'lodash';
import util from 'util';
import LRU from './LRU';
import Cache from './Cache';

const DELETE = Symbol('DELETE');
const CLEAR = Symbol('CLEAR');
const DIRTY = Symbol('DIRTY');
const redisMap = {};
const globalLocalCache = new Map();
globalLocalCache.set('*', new Map());
const processId =;
const getting = new Map();
const setting = new Map();
const getOrSetting = new Map();
const getOrSettingStale = new Map();

const tick = util.promisify(setImmediate);

// delete expired values from local cache
async function gcLocalCacheAsync() {
	let i = 0;
	const time =;
	for (const [, cache] of globalLocalCache) {
		for (const [key, value] of cache) {
			if (value.t && (time - value.c > value.t)) {
				// value is expired

			if ((i & 32767) === 0) {
				// allow other tasks to execute after every 32768 elements
				// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
				await tick();

function gcLocalCache() {
		() => {},
		(err) => {
			console.error('[RedisCache] Error while localCache gc', err);

// delete all keys containing a pattern
function localCacheDelContains(cache, pattern, {
	prefix = '',
	cacheName = '',
} = {}) {
	if (prefix === '*') {
		// delete for all caches
		let deleted = 0;
		globalLocalCache.forEach((lCache, lCacheName) => {
			if (lCacheName.includes(pattern)) {
				deleted += lCache.size;
			else {
				deleted += localCacheDelContains(lCache, pattern, {cacheName: lCacheName});

		return deleted;

	if (pattern === '_all_' || pattern === '*') {
		// clear the cache
		const deleted = cache.size;
		return deleted;

	let getNormalizedKey = key => key;
	if (cacheName) {
		getNormalizedKey = key => `${cacheName}:${key}`;

	if (pattern.includes('*')) {
		let deleted = 0;
		const keyRegex = new RegExp(pattern.replace('*', '.*'));

		// use for loop because LRU doesn't support forEach yet
		for (const [, key] of cache) {
			if (keyRegex.test(getNormalizedKey(key))) {

		return deleted;

	// simple deletion
	// use for loop because LRU doesn't support forEach yet
	let deleted = 0;
	for (const [key] of cache) {
		if (getNormalizedKey(key).includes(pattern)) {

	return deleted;

async function _withDefault(promise, defaultValue) {
	const value = await promise;
	if (value === undefined) return defaultValue;
	return value;

async function _withDefaultOpts(promise, opts) {
	const value = await promise;
	if (value === undefined) return opts.default;
	return value;

function parseTTL(ttl) {
	if (typeof ttl === 'string') return timestring(ttl, 'ms');
	return ttl;

// Garbage collection of local cache
const FIFTEEN_MINUTES = 15 * 60 * 1000;
const gcTimer = setInterval(gcLocalCache, FIFTEEN_MINUTES);
gcTimer.unref(); // unref gc timer so it allows process to exit

 * Cache backed by Redis
 * @class
class RedisCache {
	static globalPrefix = 'a';
	static redisGetCount = 0;
	static useLocalCache = true;
	static useRedisCache = true;
	static logger = console;
	static _bypass = false;
	// this causes performace issues, use only when debugging
	static logOnLocalWrite = false;

	// default redis configuration
	static defaultRedisConf = {
		host: '',
		port: 6379,
		password: undefined,

	// which server to use for pub / sub (sync of local cache)
	// we need to use a different server because main server might
	// have bad pubsub performance (eg. pika)
	static pubSubRedisConf = null;

	 * @ignore
	 * @typedef {object} RedisConf
	 * @property {string} host
	 * @property {number} port
	 * @property {string} [auth]
	 * @property {string} [password]
	 * @property {string} [type] type of server ('redis' or 'pika')

	 * @typedef {object} RedisCacheOptions
	 * @param {boolean} [useLocalCache=true]
	 *   Use local cache to speed up gets
	 * @param {boolean} [useRedisCache=true]
	 *   Save data in redis (if this is false, only local cache will be used)
	 * @param {boolean} [logOnLocalWrite=false]
	 *   Enable/disable logs on writes to local cache object
	 * @param {object} [logger]
	 *   Custom logger to use instead of console
	 * @param {Redis|RedisConf} [redis]
	 *   Redis configuration

	 * @param {string} prefix
	 * @param {Redis|RedisCacheOptions} [options={}] Cache Options
	 * 	NOTE: These options can also be set on a global level
	constructor(prefix, options = {}, legacyOptions = {}) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
		const cls = this.constructor;

		let opts = options;
		if (options.redis instanceof Redis || options instanceof Redis) {
			const redis = options.redis || options;
			this.redis = redis;
			this.isPika = false;
			this.pubRedis = this.subscribe(redis.options);
		else {
			opts = Object.assign({}, legacyOptions, options);

			const redis = options.redis || {};
			const defaultRedis = this.constructor.defaultRedisConf; = || ||;
			redis.port = redis.port || options.port || defaultRedis.port;
			redis.password = redis.password || redis.auth || options.password || options.auth;

			// whether we are using pika
			const type = redis.type || options.type || defaultRedis.type;
			this.isPika = (type === 'pika');

			[this.redis, this.pubRedis] = this.constructor.getRedis(redis);

		this.prefix = prefix;
		this.logger = opts.logger || cls.logger;
		this.logOnLocalWrite = ('logOnLocalWrite' in opts) ? opts.logOnLocalWrite : cls.logOnLocalWrite;
		this.useLocalCache = ('useLocalCache' in opts) ? opts.useLocalCache : cls.useLocalCache;
		this.useRedisCache = ('useRedisCache' in opts) ? opts.useRedisCache : cls.useRedisCache;

		if (!this.useRedisCache && !this.useLocalCache) {
			throw new Error('At least one of useRedisCache & useLocalCache must be true');

		this.localCache = globalLocalCache.get(this.prefix);
		if (!this.localCache) {
			if (opts.maxLocalItems) {
				// LRU
				this.localCache = new LRU({maxItems: opts.maxLocalItems});
			else {
				this.localCache = new Map();

			globalLocalCache.set(this.prefix, this.localCache);

	 * @param {RedisConf} redisConf
	 * @returns {Redis[]} array of redis instances (size 2), first for data & second for pubsub
	static getRedis(redisConf) {
		const address = `${}:${redisConf.port}`;

		// cache redis connections in a map to prevent a new connection on each instance
		if (!redisMap[address]) {
			const redis = new Redis(redisConf);

			redis.on('error', (err) => {
				this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] error in redis connection on ${address}`, err);

			// we need a different connection for subscription, because once subscribed
			// no other commands can be issued
			const pubRedis = this.subscribe(redisConf);

			redisMap[address] = [redis, pubRedis];

		return redisMap[address];

	 * @param {redisConf} redisConf
	static subscribe(redisConf) {
		const pubSubConf = this.pubSubRedisConf || redisConf;

		const subRedis = new Redis(pubSubConf);
		const pubRedis = new Redis(pubSubConf);

		subRedis.on('error', (err) => {
			this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] error in redis connection on ${}:${pubSubConf.port}`, err);

		const channelName = `RC:${this.globalPrefix}`;

		subRedis.subscribe(channelName, (err) => {
			if (err) {
				this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] can't subscribe to channel ${channelName}`, err);

		subRedis.on('message', this.handleSubscribeMessage.bind(this));

		return pubRedis;

	static handleSubscribeMessage(channel, message) {
		// the channel is RC:${globalPrefix} => RC:a
		// the message is ${pid}\v${prefix}\v${command}\v${args.join('\v')}
		const [pid, prefix, command, key, ...args] = message.split('\v');

		// const debugMsg = `${command} ${prefix}:${key} [from ${pid} to ${processId}]`;
		// RedisCache.logger.log(`[RedisCache] received subscribe command ${debugMsg}`);

		if (Number(pid) === processId) {
			// since the message came from the same process, it's already been handled
			// we don't need to do anything
			// RedisCache.logger
			// .log(`[RedisCache] ignored subscribe command ${command} from same process`);

		if (command === 'delete' || command === 'setdel') {
			if (key.startsWith('[')) {
				// Key is array
				try {
					this._localCache(prefix, JSON.parse(key), DELETE);
				catch (e) {
					// error in parsing key
					this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] key is malformed json ${key}`);
			else {
				this._localCache(prefix, key, DELETE);
		else if (command === 'clear') {
			this._localCache(prefix, '', CLEAR);
		else if (command === 'del_contains') {
			this._localCache(prefix, key, DEL_CONTAINS);
		else if (command === 'dirty') {
			this._localCache(prefix, key, DIRTY);
		else if (command === 'set') {
			// NOTE: set command is not being used currently
			try {
				const value = JSON.parse(args[0]);
				this._localCache(prefix, key, value);
			catch (e) {
		else {
			this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] unknown subscribe command ${command}`);

	// get prefixed key for redis
	_key(key) {
		return `RC:${this.constructor.globalPrefix}:${this.prefix}:${key}`;

	async _get(key) {
		const prefixedKey = this._key(key);
		const value = await this.redis.get(prefixedKey);
		if (value === null) return undefined;
		try {
			return JSON.parse(value);
		catch (err) {
			return value;

	async _has(key) {
		return this.redis.exists(this._key(key));

	_set(key, value, ttl = 0) {
		if (value === undefined) return true;
		const prefixedKey = this._key(key);

		if (ttl <= 0) {
			return this.redis.set(prefixedKey, JSON.stringify(value));

		return this.redis.set(prefixedKey, JSON.stringify(value), 'PX', ttl);

	_setLocal(key, value, ttl = 0) {
		if (value === undefined) return;

		const data = {
			v: value,

		if (ttl > 0) {
			data.t = ttl;

		this._localCache(key, data, false);

	async _setBoth(key, value, ttl = 0) {
		if (value === undefined) return;

		const data = {
			v: value,

		if (ttl > 0) {
			data.t = ttl;

		if (this.useLocalCache) {
			this._localCache(key, data);

		if (this.useRedisCache) {
			await this._set(key, data, ttl);

	_del(key) {
		const keys = _.castArray(key).map(k => this._key(k));
		if (this.isPika) {
			// pika does not support unlink command
			return this.redis.del(...keys);

		return this.redis.unlink(...keys);

	_delPattern(pattern) {
		if (this.isPika) {
			return this._delPatternPika(pattern);

		// We're not using lua, because scanning doesn't block redis while lua does
		return this._delPatternRedis(pattern);

	_actionPattern(pattern, action) {
		const stream = this.redis.scanStream({
			match: pattern,
			count: 100,

		let count = 0;
		stream.on('data', async (keys) => {
			count += keys.length;
			if (action) {
				try {
					await action(keys);
				catch (e) {

		return new Promise((resolve) => {
			stream.on('end', () => resolve(count));

	_delPatternPika(pattern) {
		// Pika does not support lua
		// We have to use scan for deleting keys
		return this._actionPattern(pattern, keys => (keys.length && this.redis.del(...keys)));

	_delPatternRedis(pattern) {
		// Pika does not support lua
		// We have to use scan for deleting keys
		return this._actionPattern(pattern, keys => (keys.length && this.redis.unlink(...keys)));

	_countPattern(pattern) {
		if (this.isPika) {
			return this._countPatternPika(pattern);

		return this.redis.eval(`return #redis.pcall('keys', '${pattern}')`, 0);

	_countPatternPika(pattern) {
		// Pika does not support lua
		// We have to use scan for counting keys
		return this._actionPattern(pattern);

	_clear() {
		const keyGlob = this._key('*');
		return this._delPattern(keyGlob);

	_size() {
		const keyGlob = this._key('*');
		return this._countPattern(keyGlob);

	// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements
	static _localCache(prefix, key, value) {
		const cache = globalLocalCache.get(prefix);
		if (!cache) return undefined;

		// delete key
		if (value === DELETE) {
			if (Array.isArray(key)) {
				return key.forEach(k => cache.delete(k));
			return cache.delete(key);

		// clear cache
		if (value === CLEAR) {
			return cache.clear();

		// delete keys containing a pattern
		if (value === DEL_CONTAINS) {
			return localCacheDelContains(cache, key, {prefix});

		// mark key as dirty
		if (value === DIRTY) {
			const existing = cache.get(key);
			if (existing) {
				existing.c = 0;

		return undefined;

	_localCachePublish(command, key = 'null') {
		// the channel is RC:${globalPrefix} => RC:a
		// the message is ${pid}\v${prefix}\v${command}\v${args.join('\v')}

		const channelName = `RC:${this.constructor.globalPrefix}`;
		const message = `${processId}\v${this.prefix}\v${command}\v${key}`;
		this.pubRedis.publish(channelName, message);

	_localCache(key, value, publish = true) {
		// get key
		if (value === undefined) {
			const res = this.localCache.get(key);
			if (res === undefined || !res.t) return res;
			if (( - res.c) > res.t) {
				// value has expired
				return undefined;
			return res;

		// delete key
		if (value === DELETE) {
			if (Array.isArray(key)) {
				if (publish) this._localCachePublish('delete', JSON.stringify(key));
				key.forEach(k => this.localCache.delete(k));
			else {
				if (publish) this._localCachePublish('delete', key);
			return undefined;

		// clear cache
		if (value === CLEAR) {
			if (publish) this._localCachePublish('clear');
			return undefined;

		// delete keys containing a pattern
		if (value === DEL_CONTAINS) {
			if (publish) this._localCachePublish('del_contains', key);
			return localCacheDelContains(this.localCache, key, {prefix: this.prefix});

		// mark key as dirty
		if (value === DIRTY) {
			if (publish) this._localCachePublish('dirty', key);
			return undefined;

		// set key
		if (publish) this._localCachePublish('setdel', key);
		this.localCache.set(key, value);
		return value;

	_fetching(map, key, value) {
		const prefixedKey = this._key(key);
		if (value === undefined) {
			return map.get(prefixedKey);
		if (value === DELETE) {
			return undefined;

		map.set(prefixedKey, value);
		return value;

	_getting(key, value) {
		return this._fetching(getting, key, value);

	_setting(key, value) {
		return this._fetching(setting, key, value);

	_getOrSetting(key, value) {
		return this._fetching(getOrSetting, key, value);

	_getOrSettingStale(key, value) {
		return this._fetching(getOrSettingStale, key, value);

	 * bypass the cache and compute value directly (useful for debugging / testing)
	 * NOTE: this'll be only useful in getOrSet or memoize, get will still return from cache
	 * @example
	 * let i = 0;
	 * const cache = new RedisCache();
	 * await cache.getOrSet('a', () => ++i); // => 1
	 * await cache.getOrSet('a', () => ++i); // => 1 (returned from cache)
	 * cache.bypass(); // turn on bypassing
	 * await cache.getOrSet('a', () => ++i); // => 2 (cache bypassed)
	 * await cache.getOrSet('a', () => ++i); // => 3 (cache bypassed)
	 * cache.bypass(false); // turn off bypassing
	 * await cache.getOrSet('a', () => ++i); // => 1 (previous cache item)
	 * @param {boolean} [bypass=true] whether to bypass the cache or not
	bypass(bypass = true) {
		this._bypass = bypass;

	 * gets whether the cache is bypassed or not
	 * @returns {boolean}
	isBypassed() {
		if (this._bypass !== undefined) {
			return this._bypass;

		return this.constructor._bypass;

	 * bypass the cache and compute value directly (useful for debugging / testing)
	 * NOTE: RedisCache.bypass will turn on bypassing for all instances of RedisCache
	 * For bypassing a particular instance, use [`instance.bypass()`]{@link RedisCache#bypass}
	 * @see [bypass]{@link RedisCache#bypass}
	 * @param {boolean} [bypass=true] default true
	static bypass(bypass = true) {
		this._bypass = bypass;

	 * gets whether the cache is bypassed or not
	 * @returns {boolean}
	static isBypassed() {
		return this._bypass;

	 * wrap a value in a Proxy object for debugging writes to it
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {any} localValue
	 * @returns {any}
	 * @private
	_wrapInProxy(key, localValue) {
		if (!this.logOnLocalWrite || !this.useLocalCache) return localValue;
		if (!localValue || typeof localValue !== 'object') return localValue;

		// log writes to the local object in case logOnLocalWrite is true
		const proxy = Observer.create(localValue, (change) => {
			if (change.type === 'set-prop' || change.type === 'delete-prop') {
				const stack = new Error().stack.split('\n').map(line => `  ${line.trim()}`).slice(3).join('\n');
				this.logger.log(`[RedisCache] Attempt to write to local object ${this._key(key)}.${change.path}\n${stack}`);
			return true;
		return proxy;

	 * @typedef {object} getRedisOpts
	 * @property {function(any):(Promise<any> | any)} [parse] fn to parse value fetched from redis

	 * gets a value from the local cache without touching redis
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {any} [defaultValue]
	getLocal(key, defaultValue = undefined) {
		if (!this.useLocalCache) return defaultValue;
		const localValue = this._localCache(key);
		if (localValue === undefined || localValue.v === undefined) return defaultValue;
		return localValue.v;

	 * gets a value from the cache immediately without waiting
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {any} [defaultValue]
	 * @param {getRedisOpts} [options]
	 * @returns {Promise<any>}
	async getStale(key, defaultValue = undefined, options = {}, ctx = {}) {
		if (this.useLocalCache) {
			const localValue = this._localCache(key);
			if (localValue !== undefined && localValue.v !== undefined) {
				if (ctx.staleTTL) {
					if (localValue.c < - ctx.staleTTL) {
						ctx.isStale = true;
				return localValue.v;

		if (this.useRedisCache) {
			const gettingPromise = this._getting(key);
			if (gettingPromise) {
				const [value] = await gettingPromise;
				if (value === undefined) return defaultValue;
				return value;

			const promise = this._get(key).then(async (value) => {
				if (value === undefined) return [value, 0];
				if (ctx.staleTTL) {
					if (value.c < - ctx.staleTTL) {
						ctx.isStale = true;
				if (options.parse) {
					return [await options.parse(value.v), value.t];
				return [value.v, value.t];

			this._getting(key, promise);
			const [value, ttl] = await promise;
			if (this.useLocalCache) {
				this._setLocal(key, value, ttl);
			this._getting(key, DELETE);

			if (value === undefined) return defaultValue;
			return value;

		return defaultValue;

	 * gets a value from the cache
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {any} [defaultValue]
	 * @param {getRedisOpts} [options]
	 * @returns {Promise<any>}
	async get(key, defaultValue = undefined, options = {}) {
		const settingPromise = this._setting(key);
		if (settingPromise) {
			return _withDefault(settingPromise, defaultValue);

		return this.getStale(key, defaultValue, options);

	 * checks if a key exists in the cache
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @returns {boolean}
	async has(key) {
		if (!this.useRedisCache) {
			const localValue = this._localCache(key);
			return (localValue !== undefined && localValue.v !== undefined);

		return this._has(key);

	 * sets a value in the cache
	 * avoids dogpiling if the value is a promise or a function returning a promise
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {any} value
	 * @param {number|string|setRedisOpts} [options={}] ttl in ms/timestring('1d 3h')
	 * or opts (default: 0)
	 * @return {boolean}
	async set(key, value, options = {}, ctx = {}) {
		let ttl = (typeof options === 'object') ? options.ttl : options;
		ttl = parseTTL(ttl);

		try {
			if (value && value.then) {
				// value is a Promise
				// resolve it and then cache it
				this._setting(key, value);
				const resolvedValue = this._wrapInProxy(key, await value);
				await this._setBoth(key, resolvedValue, ttl);
				this._setting(key, DELETE);
				ctx.result = resolvedValue;
				return true;
			if (typeof value === 'function') {
				// value is a function
				// call it and set the result
				return this.set(key, value(key), ttl, ctx);
			if (value === undefined) {
				// don't set undefined value
				this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] [${this.prefix}] attempt to set ${key}=undefined`);
				return false;

			// value is normal
			// just set it in the store
			value = this._wrapInProxy(key, value);
			this._setting(key, Promise.resolve(value));
			await this._setBoth(key, value, ttl);
			this._setting(key, DELETE);
			ctx.result = value;
			return true;
		catch (error) {
			this.logger.error(`[RedisCache] [${this.prefix}] error while setting key ${key}`, error);
			await this._del(key);
			this._setting(key, DELETE);
			throw error;

	async _getOrSet(key, value, options = {}) {
		// key already exists, return it
		const existingValue = await this.getStale(key, undefined, options);
		if (existingValue !== undefined) {
			return existingValue;

		// no value given, return undefined
		if (value === undefined) {
			return options.default;

		const ctx = {};
		await this.set(key, value, options, ctx);
		return (ctx.result === undefined) ? options.default : ctx.result;

	 * @typedef {object} setRedisOpts
	 * @property {number|string} ttl in ms / timestring ('1d 3h') default: 0
	 * @property {number|string} staleTTL in ms / timestring ('1d 3h')
	 *  set this if you want stale values to be returned and generation in the background
	 *  values will be considered stale after this time period
	 * @property {boolean} [requireResult=true]
	 *  require result to be calculated if the key does not exist
	 *  only valid if stale ttl is given
	 *  it true, this will generate value in foreground if the key does not exist
	 *  if false, this will return undefined and
	 *    generate value in background if the key does not exist
	 * @property {boolean} [freshResult=false]
	 *  always return fresh value
	 *  only valid if stale ttl is given
	 *  if true, this will generate value in foreground if value is stale
	 *  if false, this will generate value in background (and return stale value) if value is stale
	 * @property {boolean} [forceUpdate=false]
	 *  get fresh results (ignoring ttl & staleTTL) and update cache
	 * @property {function(any):(Promise<any> | any)} parse function to parse value fetched from redis
	 * @property {any} default default value to return in case if value is undefined

	 * gets a value from the cache, or sets it if it doesn't exist
	 * this takes care of dogpiling (make sure value is a function to avoid dogpiling)
	 * @param {string} key key to get
	 * @param {any} value value to set if the key does not exist
	 * @param {number|string|setRedisOpts} [options={}] ttl in ms/timestring('1d 3h') (default: 0)
	 * or opts with parse and ttl
	 * @return {any}
	async getOrSet(key, value, options = {}) {
		if (options && options.staleTTL) {
			return this._getOrSetStale(key, value, options);

		const settingPromise = this._getOrSetting(key);
		if (settingPromise) {
			// Some other process is still fetching the value
			// Don't dogpile shit, wait for the other process
			// to finish it
			return _withDefaultOpts(settingPromise, options);

		// cache is bypassed, return value directly
		if (this.isBypassed()) {
			if (typeof value === 'function') return _withDefaultOpts(value(key), options);
			return _withDefaultOpts(value, options);

		if (options.forceUpdate) {
			// regenerate value in the foreground
			return this._setWithCheck(key, value, options);

		// try to get the value from local cache first
		if (this.useLocalCache) {
			const localValue = this._localCache(key);
			if (localValue !== undefined && localValue.v !== undefined) {
				return localValue.v;

		const promise = this._getOrSet(key, value, options);
		this._getOrSetting(key, promise);
		const result = await promise;
		this._getOrSetting(key, DELETE);
		return result;

	async _setBackground(key, value, options) {
		if (this._getOrSettingStale(key)) return;

		// regenerate value in the background
		this._getOrSettingStale(key, true);
		setImmediate(async () => {
			await this.set(key, value, options).catch(() => {});
			this._getOrSettingStale(key, DELETE);

	async _setWithCheck(key, value, options) {
		const settingPromise = this._setting(key);
		if (settingPromise) {
			return _withDefaultOpts(settingPromise, options);

		// regenerate value in the foreground
		const setCtx = {};
		await this.set(key, value, options, setCtx);
		return (setCtx.result === undefined) ? options.default : setCtx.result;

	async _getOrSetStale(key, value, options = {}) {
		// cache is bypassed, return value directly
		if (this.isBypassed()) {
			if (typeof value === 'function') return _withDefaultOpts(value(key), options);
			return _withDefaultOpts(value, options);

		if (options.forceUpdate) {
			// regenerate value in the foreground
			return this._setWithCheck(key, value, options);

		// try to get the value from local cache first
		const ctx = {
			staleTTL: parseTTL(options.staleTTL),

		const existingValue = await this.getStale(key, undefined, options, ctx);
		// true = generate in bg, false = generate in fg, null = don't generate
		let generateInBg = true;
		if (existingValue === undefined) {
			if (options.requireResult !== false || options.freshResult) {
				generateInBg = false;
		else if (ctx.isStale) {
			if (options.freshResult) {
				generateInBg = false;
		else {
			generateInBg = null;

		if (generateInBg === false) {
			// regenerate value in the foreground
			return this._setWithCheck(key, value, options);

		if (generateInBg === true) {
			// regenerate value in the background
			this._setBackground(key, value, options);

		return (existingValue === undefined) ? options.default : existingValue;

	_getLocalAttachedMap(key) {
		let value = this._localCache(key);
		if (value === undefined) {
			value = {
				a: new Map(),

			this._localCache(key, value, false);
		else if (value.a === undefined) {
			value.a = new Map();

		return value.a;

	 * attach and return a local map to the redis cache key
	 * the local map would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @return {Map}
	attachMap(key, mapKey) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let map = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!map) {
			map = new Map();
			fullMap.set(mapKey, map);
		return map;

	 * attach and return a local set to the redis cache key
	 * the local set would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @return {Set}
	attachSet(key, mapKey) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let set = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!set) {
			set = new Set();
			fullMap.set(mapKey, set);
		return set;

	 * attach and return a local array to the redis cache key
	 * the local array would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @return {Array}
	attachArray(key, mapKey) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let array = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!array) {
			array = [];
			fullMap.set(mapKey, array);
		return array;

	 * attach and return a local object to the redis cache key
	 * the local object would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @return {object}
	attachObject(key, mapKey) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let obj = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!obj) {
			obj = {};
			fullMap.set(mapKey, obj);
		return obj;

	 * attach and return a local lru map to the redis cache key
	 * the local lru map would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @param {object} options options for the lru map
	 * @return {LRU}
	attachLRU(key, mapKey, {maxItems = 100} = {}) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let lru = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!lru) {
			lru = new LRU({maxItems});
			fullMap.set(mapKey, lru);
		return lru;

	 * attach and return a local cache object to the redis cache key
	 * the local cache would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @param {object} options options for the cache object
	 * @return {Cache}
	attachCache(key, mapKey, options = {}) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let cache = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!cache) {
			cache = new Cache(options);
			fullMap.set(mapKey, cache);
		return cache;

	 * attach and return a custom object to the redis cache key
	 * custom object should be returned by the func
	 * the object would be deleted if redis cache key gets deleted
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	 * @param {function} func functions that returns the object
	 * @return {any}
	attachCustom(key, mapKey, func) {
		const fullMap = this._getLocalAttachedMap(key);
		let res = fullMap.get(mapKey);
		if (!res) {
			res = func();
			fullMap.set(mapKey, res);
		return res;

	 * delete an attached object to a key
	 * @param {string} key
	 * @param {string} mapKey
	deleteAttached(key, mapKey) {
		const value = this._localCache(key);
		if (!value || !value.a) return;

	 * delete all attached objects to a key
	 * @param {string} key
	deleteAllAttached(key) {
		const value = this._localCache(key);
		if (!value || !value.a) return;
		delete value.a;
		if (value.v === undefined) {
			this._localCache(key, DELETE, false);

	 * alias for getOrSet
	 * @param {string} key key to get
	 * @param {any} value value to set if the key does not exist
	 * @param {number|string|setRedisOpts} [options={}] ttl in ms/timestring('1d 3h') (default: 0)
	 * or opts with parse and ttl
	 * @return {any}
	async $(key, value, options = {}) {
		return this.getOrSet(key, value, options);

	 * deletes a value from the cache
	 * @param {string|Array<string>} key
	async del(key) {
		if (this.useLocalCache) {
			this._localCache(key, DELETE);
		if (this.useRedisCache) {
			await this._del(key);

	 * set the key as dirty (will cause staleTTL to recompute in background)
	 * @param {string} key
	async markDirty(key) {
		let existing = this._localCache(key);
		if (!existing && this.useRedisCache) {
			existing = await this._get(key);

		if (!existing) return;

		existing.c = 0;
		this._localCache(key, DIRTY);
		if (this.useRedisCache) {
			await this._set(key, existing, existing.t || 0);

	 * NOTE: this method is expensive, so don't use it unless absolutely necessary
	 * @return {number} the size of the cache (no. of keys)
	async size() {
		if (!this.useRedisCache) {
			return this.localCache.size;

		return this._size();

	 * clears the cache (deletes all keys)
	 * NOTE: this method is expensive, so don't use it unless absolutely necessary
	async clear() {
		if (this.useLocalCache) {
			this._localCache('', CLEAR);
		if (this.useRedisCache) {
			await this._clear();

	 * memoizes a function (caches the return value of the function)
	 * @example
	 * const cachedFn = cache.memoize('expensiveFn', expensiveFn);
	 * const result = cachedFn('a', 'b');
	 * @param {string} key cache key with which to memoize the results
	 * @param {function} fn function to memoize
	 * @param {number|string|setRedisOpts} [options={}] ttl in ms/timestring('1d 3h') (default: 0)
	 * or opts with parse and ttl
	 * @return {function}
	memoize(key, fn, options = {}) {
		return async (...args) => {
			let cacheKey;
			if (options.keyFn) {
				cacheKey = key + ':' + options.keyFn(...args);
			else {
				cacheKey = key + ':' + JSON.stringify(args);

			return this.getOrSet(cacheKey, () => fn(...args), options);

	 * return local cache stats of all caches
	 * @returns {array}
	static async getLocalCacheStats() {
		const stats = [];
		globalLocalCache.forEach((cache, prefix) => {
				maxItems: cache.maxItems || 0,
				items: cache.size,
				totalItems: cache.totalSize ? cache.totalSize() : cache.size,

		return _.orderBy(stats, 'items', 'desc');

	 * delete everything from cache if the key includes a particular string
	 * to delete everything from cache, use `_all_` as string
	 * @param {string} str
	 * @return {number} number of keys deleted
	async delContains(str) {
		if (!str) {
			throw new Error('str must not be empty');

		let keyGlob;
		if (str === '_all_') {
			keyGlob = `RC:${this.constructor.globalPrefix}:${this.prefix}:*`;
		else if (this.prefix === '*') {
			keyGlob = `RC:${this.constructor.globalPrefix}:*${str}*`;
		else {
			keyGlob = `RC:${this.constructor.globalPrefix}:${this.prefix}:*${str}*`;

		if (this.useLocalCache) {
			const numDeleted = this._localCache(str, DEL_CONTAINS);
			if (!this.useRedisCache) return numDeleted;

		return this._delPattern(keyGlob);

export default RedisCache;